Thank you to the outgoing Division Governor of Toastmasters Southern Africa, Aletta Rochat, who shared "Reflections of a DG" with us as a Competent Communicator project.

Her inspiring points were that:
- holding high office is not about the Wearing the Badge, but about the opportunity to serve and grow
- things are always personal first, because that is how the Toastmasters organisation best serves the individual member
- you have to have a message, otherwise you are just transmitting information.
The meeting was also unusual in that we held the election for new Club Officers
The newly-elected portfolio holders on the committee will serve the members of our club for the Toastmasters year starting on 1 July 2015, and they are:
President: Simric Yarrow
VP Education: Alison Beere
VP Membership: Gideon Louw
VP Public Relations: Nonhlanhla Chanza
Treasurer: Sarah Rossouw
Secretary: Brenda Trope
Sergeant At Arms: Coenraad Myburgh
There was a scuffle for the chocolate today!
In the end Best Speaker award went to Martin Gevers for his highly entertaining "Flush in the Pan" with Noni taking best Evaluator and JP offering an excellent Table Topics performance as a 'day-old chick' - he joined as a member today.
Alison Beere was Toastmaster of the day and the theme "Seagulls and Sailors" inspired Gideon Louw to some truly challenging Table Topics choices. Respect for your preparation, Gideon, and well done to those who tackled them so gamely.
A special mention goes to Taahir Khalfe... for his highly entertaining account of being a pirate on the high seas — it was great to see you laughing and enjoying yourself! Your speaking confidence has already soared since your last Table Topic speech.
Thanks to all who were there, and those who were not were sorely missed.